Shade Screen Solutions Blog

Thinking about Ordering a Sliding Screen Door? Consider the KD Screen Door Kit.
Why KD Sliding Screen Door Kits are Better than Fully Assembled Doors
When it comes to replacing or installing a sliding screen door, opting for a KD (Knock-Down) sliding screen door kit from Shade Screen Solutions offers several advantages over ordering a fully assembled door. One of the primary benefits is the customization that KD kits provide. Each kit is custom-made to the precise specifications provided by the customer, ensuring a perfect fit for your unique door frame. This level of c...

The Pros and Cons of Different Meshes for Replacement Window Screens and Sliding Screen Doors
The Pros and Cons of Different Meshes for Replacement Window Screens and Sliding Screen DoorsWhen it comes to choosing the right mesh for your replacement window screens or sliding screen doors, the options can be overwhelming. At Shade Screen Solutions, we use Phifer mesh, known for its superior quality and durability. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of the pros and cons of different types of screen meshes, including the popular no-see-um screen mesh.1. Fiberglas...

The Importance of Having Screens on Your Windows and Doors
The Importance of Having Screens on Your Windows and DoorsIn today's world, the need for functional and aesthetically pleasing home solutions is more important than ever. One of the simplest yet most effective home upgrades is installing screens on your windows and doors. At Shade Screen Solutions, we specialize in providing high-quality replacement window screens and sliding screen doors, using premium Phifer screen mesh. We cater to a variety of brands, including Pella Windows, Anderson Win...

Door and Window Screens Can Allow You to Enjoy the Outdoors Without Suffering Through Allergy Symptoms
It’s allergy season, and millions of allergy sufferers nationwide are stuck inside.
When allergies and respiratory symptoms are widespread, the great outdoors can seem farther away than the other side of the window. That doesn’t have to be the case, though.
People keep their windows and doors shut to keep allergens outside and “clean” air inside. The goal is to prevent allergens from making life miserable on both sides of the door. However, with the right preventative measures, you can leave...

How to Clean and Make Your Window Screens Last Longer
A good set of window screens are an essential part of a well-equipped home. They let you keep your windows open, allowing the warm breeze inside but keeping bugs and debris out. They do so much for you that you should make sure to take care of them in return.
While doing their job, window screens can take a lot of abuse with time. Weather, pollen, dirt, bugs, and cobwebs can accumulate quickly. Some simple yearly cleaning and maintenance will keep your window screens in excellent condition fo...

Indoor Air Pollution and How to Stay Safe Using Window Screens
For Spring 2020, many of us are being told to remain indoors, and it’s all too easy to feel cooped up. Staying inside for a long time can make you feel irritated with your housemates, birds chirping, and even your own reflection.
Not leaving your house can cause other kinds of irritation, too. For example, indoor air pollution is an irritant. It can cause serious health problems with prolonged exposure. Even the cleanest house will start to build up indoor air pollution when it stays sealed u...

How to Make a Pet-Proof Screen Panel for Your Sliding Glass Door
Do your pets like to play outside? Do they enjoy staring out the window? Lots of pets do! With warmer weather, you probably want to be spending more time outside too. At the very least, your sliding glass door is perhaps propped open.
Your pets will take that opportunity and run with it. Whether your dog is trying to go after a chipmunk or your cat wants to escape and explore, pets are hard on most window and door screens. A regular screen can break or tear when your pet tries (and succeeds) ...